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Fans! -

Want to see who won our last #CitizenPrideGiveaway? We love when people send in photos. Thanks, Michele, and enjoy!! #BestFansEver #DisplayYourCitizenPride #GoOs

Check out our entire line of Baltimore Oriole products here.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="750.0"]Michele Taylor sent us this picture of all the Oriole products she won in our recent Facebook content. Michele Taylor sent us this picture of all the Oriole products she won in our recent Facebook content.[/caption]

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Events -

Citizen Pride was proud to help support the Annapolis St. Patrick's Day Parade by donating our Maryland Irish Claddagh themed flags that were in display at the Parade's grandstand near City Dock. We also joined the parade by teaming up with HERE, the popular POP-Up shop of Annapolis who carry many of our flags.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="750.0"]Joe Barsin with his helpful Leprechauns getting our banner ready for the Annapolis St. Patrick's Day parade. This picture shows our Irish Claddagh flags over the Parade grandstand before the festivities started.Joe Barsin with his helpful...

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New Work -

We want to congratulate Lucky Owl Brewing and Flip Side Chagrin Falls on their new collaboration. Joe Barsin of Citizen Pride and JEB Design succesfully merged these two company brands into one great beer label design. "Cheers!"

Flip Side Restaurantsare proud to have collaborated with Lucky Owl Brewing to create an incredible new beer that you can only find at Flip Side! The new Flip...

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Events -

Our graphic design company, JEB Design, Inc. worked with The Chesapeake Bay Trust in creating their brand identity. Joe Barsin illustrated the Maryland Bay Plate. This unveiling of the new design, shown here, was in 2003.

Joe and Eva Barsin at the Bay Plate unveiling.

Joe and Eva Barsin at the Bay Plate unveiling.

Governor Harry Hughes of Maryland (left of plate) and the Chesapeake Bay Trust Board was on hand to unveil the new

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Fans! -

As we develop brand new designs for 2017 we remember why we started #CitizenPride. It's fun and exciting but having your support and receiving your generous reviews makes what we do all that more fulfilling.

THANK YOU! #WhyCitizenPride #DisplayYourCitizenPride

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="900.0"]Amazon customer reviews of citizen pride's productsAmazon customer reviews of citizen pride's...

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